Assface Dervish Sanders has gone on another one of his mocking binges. Mystere sent me these retorts from his WordPress site. Dervish's retorts never make it past the spam blockers in place. In the first retort, Assprobe Dervish mocks fallen show host Diamond of Diamond and Silk because she was African American and Conservative. To Asswipe Dervish, she was obviously a race traitor. Assprobe Dervish Sanders believes that all colored folk are supposed to tow the line for liberals, or else they're "right wing extremist racists."
Buttstink Dervish attacks the prophets of God because he thinks he's much smarter than God Almighty. Assprobe Dervish thinks he knows what God is thinking and that he can outsmart God Almighty. Be careful about what you say, Asswipe Dervish Sanders.
Queerboy Dervish exposes his ultimate queerness and stupidity in his retort about a "leak" in the Supreme Court. Perhaps Dervish took a "bigly" whiff and swallow while high on choom and shrooms?
That noise you heard was a liberal butt blast coming out of one of your brothel buddy's anal crevices, Asslicker Dervish. You need serious mental help. Your fixation on "head" is a cry for help from your queerness, Dervish.
All this is sorta like looking up a dead goat's ass. America as we've known it is dying. And soon, if rethuglicans have their way, it will be dead.