YOURS TRULY Or At Least The Hair!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

My Two Cents At Who's Your Daddy Blog

I recently stopped by Who's Your Daddy after hearing some rave reviews from Rattrapper and Mystere. Those two warned me about Ducky's Here and a few other trolls including Lester Liberalmann. I've been aware of Liberalmann's stench, and decided to leave my two cents on a few of Lisa's posts. When I left my replies at Who's Your Daddy, Ducky and Lester Liberalmann had a severe mental meltdown. Ducky and Lester are beyond infantile when they throw hissyfits. These clowns accused me and Rattrapper as being Mystere. The funny thing is I made some observations, and these mental midgets tossed their lunch over it. I pity these Liberal dimwits and I don't envy Mystere or Rattrapper.